At Unique Residence, we understand that building a home is often the most important investment decision in life. And that is not only from a financial point of view since it involves emotional commitment and requires time.
Therefore, it is fully understandable to us that our clients are sometimes hesitant, have lots of questions, and need more time for the final choice. That is why we do our best to provide them with the desired comfort in making decisions, supporting them with our knowledge and experience at all times. We live in an era of high expectations. These include the highest quality achievable within a given budget, availability of the best solutions in the market, and guaranteed support at every stage of the project realization. These are logical and rational expectations that we want to live up to through the Project Management & Control (PM&C).
Project Management & Control goes beyond standard project management and all its stages by conducting parallel control over the investment budget and schedule.
The PM&C service meets all investors’ expectations — from the largest to seemingly trivial, but having a fundamental impact on the future comfort of life. What makes us distinct in the market is our highly developed ability to understand your doubts and, most importantly, the dreams that prompted you to build a house. Our objective is to go with you through the entire implementation process side by side, creating the perfect conditions for free expression and communication of all needs. Thanks to PM&C, the burden of most decisions regarding the house construction rests on our shoulders, allowing you to enjoy the full control over the key investment aspects at the same time.
In the individual projects of villas and residences, we put your expectations first. We believe that exceptional attention to detail, combined with a real passion for design, is the key to creating extraordinary properties. Thus, already at the concept stage, we treat architecture, immediate surroundings, and the interior of the building as parallel and equal parts of the entire investment. That makes the project complete and sustainable. A strong combination of architecture and environment will shelter you from the rushing world that is full of anxieties and deprived of time for rest and tranquility.
In our opinion, a luxury home design should constitute a balanced combination of memories, aspirations, and plans for the future. That is why we will eagerly listen to your vision and desires. It is a starting point that poses the basis for our cooperation to create a building that will be a perfect reflection of your lifestyle.
We specialize in the classic villa and residence design, though we treat each new project as an individual challenge to our imagination and a chance to discover innovative solutions. That is why our clients see us as an independent consultant and a trustworthy partner.
To provide a comprehensive and fully consistent building, the parallel interior design is an obvious step. Expanding the service by this scope results in many facilitations and conveniences. Thanks to a well-thought-out interior design already at the construction stage, you will be able to introduce personalized changes in the functional arrangement as well in electrical and sanitary installations. When working with an interior architect, you can optimize the schedule and make financial savings since this part will be performed without any adjustments and modifications later on.
There are many interior studios and architects in the market. Some represent a specific style, while others have a much wider offer, ranging from Scandinavian minimalism to industrial austerity, to classic splendor. Unique Residence specializes in the timeless classic interior design, which we present in a modern, lighter fashion. We often enrich it with geometric art deco or shiny glamour, turning it into a sophisticated eclecticism that draws inspiration from various trends. Here, they become intertwined. Such a balanced combination of styles from different eras is what creates exclusive and luxurious interiors.
Already at the initial design stage of the building, we make assumptions regarding the surrounding greenery and small architecture. This is a substantial element of garden planning that also shows due respect to the existing area. Depending on the scope of cooperation, before commencing the project, we try to visit the planned construction site personally to assess the context of the environment and maximize the natural predispositions of the plot. We have successfully conducted investments on plots with magnificent old trees, natural lakes, or unique landforms. In such cases, we make an additional analysis of all gathered information and discuss the possible scenarios with you already at the beginning of our cooperation. That is because we want you to feel at home immediately after moving in. Like in a place extremely close to you, your oasis of peace.
We take the garden design of luxury residences and villas very seriously and always aim at meeting all the expectations set. That is why we are constantly expanding our knowledge, taking part in the largest gardening fairs, and being up to date with new products in plant nurseries. All this to make you fully satisfied with your private greenery.
W odpowiedzi na coraz częściej pojawiające się zapytania o projekty przebudowy czy rozbudowy budynków istniejących stworzyliśmy specjalną ofertę, która umożliwia współpracę z nami również w takim wymiarze. W ramach prac nad zmianami szczegółowo analizujemy Wasze potrzeby i omawiamy kierunek jaki chcecie osiągnąć tak, aby propozycje były jak najbardziej spójne z Waszym wyobrażeniem. Uważamy, że większość budynków istniejących ma w sobie potencjał i pole manewru do dokonania zmian, a efekt „po” zawsze zachwyca! Natomiast biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że naszą główną działalnością jest jednak projektowanie nowych budynków, to przebudowy/ rozbudowy realizujemy tylko w zakresie koncepcyjnym.
Our multidimensional approach to design brings together the best engineers and constructors, installers of modern technologies, renowned interior designers, and landscape architects. Furthermore, we effectively cooperate with numerous contractors, craftsmen, and suppliers whose knowledge and experience are necessary for the success of any investment. Meet our trusted partners!